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Германия Germany/Germany Eichbaum Soccer World Champions from 1930 till 2006 2010 (8)

Eichbaum Soccer World Champions from 1930 till 2006 2010, Argentina 1978, 1986
Eichbaum Soccer
World Champions from
1930 till 2006 2010,
Argentina 1978, 1986
Eichbaum Soccer World Champions from 1930 till 2006 2010, Brazil 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, 2002
Eichbaum Soccer
World Champions from
1930 till 2006 2010,
Brazil 1958, 1962,
1970, 1994, 2002
Eichbaum Soccer World Champions from 1930 till 2006 2010, England 1966
Eichbaum Soccer
World Champions from
1930 till 2006 2010,
England 1966
Eichbaum Soccer World Champions from 1930 till 2006 2010, France 1998
Eichbaum Soccer
World Champions from
1930 till 2006 2010,
France 1998
Eichbaum Soccer World Champions from 1930 till 2006 2010, Germany 1954, 1974, 1990
Eichbaum Soccer
World Champions from
1930 till 2006 2010,
Germany 1954, 1974,
Eichbaum Soccer World Champions from 1930 till 2006 2010, Italy 1934, 1938, 1982, 2006
Eichbaum Soccer
World Champions from
1930 till 2006 2010,
Italy 1934, 1938,
1982, 2006
Eichbaum Soccer World Champions from 1930 till 2006 2010, South Africa Host Country
Eichbaum Soccer
World Champions from
1930 till 2006 2010,
South Africa Host
Eichbaum Soccer World Champions from 1930 till 2006 2010, Uruguay 1930, 1950
Eichbaum Soccer
World Champions from
1930 till 2006 2010,
Uruguay 1930, 1950